Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fingering Young Virgins Is It Possible That I Could Be Pregnant From Fingering?

Is it possible that I could be pregnant from fingering? - fingering young virgins

A few days ago my friend and I were joking sexually. When he ejaculates taken in hand, but not rise to the laundry. We forget, and then after ten minutes I was on the other side, then changed when his arm tired. Only after that happened that I remembered that I had seeds in his hand, and although most of them are not cleaned and was in-hand with the fingers, I'm really worried.

We are sixteen years ago, and I know we're still too young to do these things, but can not be helped, and we're both still virgins. But after this incident, I fear, I become pregnant. Have only been three days since my childhood, but more and more worried because I heard tHas it is possible to get pregnant this way.

So my question is, what are the chances of pregnancy? What you should do about prevention? I know it's too late for the morning-after pill and I am generally against abortion, but I think it would be still worse to bear a child in a world where I know I can not take care of him. Selfish, is an important moment for me sure in the month of the review shortly and desperately need help with this problem and how you know that I am not pregnant. I'm not really praying. My limited period of about a week before, so I was ovulating at the time on the road.

Thank you.


TeeTee83 said...

I think not.
Sperm die after (a long time for a few minutes) air.
In addition, the act of ejaculation, which drives up the semen and sperm is high enough to begin the journey to the egg.

I doubt that is pregnant.

Pippin said...

Technically possible but highly unlikely. (I suppose at least he wiped his hand after ejaculation.)

Josh920 said...

Frankly, there is a possibility but the likelihood is very low, so I wouldnt be scared as a 5% chance that she is pregnant, because her hand WIPP do so no worries, everything will be fine!

Jessica R said...

very unlikely because the sperm only a certain time before they die when exposed to the air

lisa mommy said...

Sperm die after about 10 seconds in the air, so ... highly unlikely

MyBoo said...

To test

TTC #1 =) said...

Your DONT worrry not pregnant

Jacky C said...

lmao on the question of principle.
ah yes, it is possible. Cum sperm from my friend.

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